Thursday, September 15, 2005

Oh! For a Perfect Night's Sleep

The home coming, after the initial shock for the dogs, turned out to be reasonably calm. Dad had made sure that the house was still respectable when mom returned, after all it was only two days.

The rest of the day is spent taking it easy, dad's doing what it takes to supply the food that mom wants and Jack is sleeping soundly. The compulsory four hour feeds kick in but Jack is beginning to get irritated. He's feeding but is he getting enough, is the standard question that we ask ourselves. Unless we weigh him after every feed there's no telling how much he's taken in.

Jack eventually settles down again and mom retorts that she's feeling like a milk truck.

Evening is here and by 10pm everyone is ready to call it a night. The transferring of Jack to the cradle is no problem, he carries on sleeping. Within half an hour the crying starts, feed time already! It's been less than an hour!

OK let me feed him again, but within five minutes he's sleeping once more. Back into the cradle he goes and everyone tries to settle down. The grandfather clock chimes 2am and Jack has been up three times by now, everyone is sleeping in three quarter of an hour bursts and it's getting to be a LONG night.

Let's get the pacifier out maybe he'll sleep a little longer, so the pacifier is sterilized and it is placed within reach, ready for the next wake up call.

At last he's settled down, WOOF, WOOF, Oh no!

It's 4:30am and the dogs need to go out for a potty break, I just don't believe it!! Wearily dad gets up to let the dogs out, then climbs back in bed. Tap, tap, tap, the dogs have done their thing and now they want back in.

"I'll just leave them out" says dad. Tap, tap, WOOF, tap, tap, WOOF, WOOF, dad throws back the covers and some words come out of his mouth that I don't understand yet and storms downstairs to let the ANIMALS in again.

Oh Man!! "This is just the first night!" exclaims dad, as he pull himself between the sheets once more.


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